About Us image
Calculators Solve Problems supports underfunded classrooms and students who cannot afford an expensive personal calculator. The cost of calculators, especially graphing calculators averaging nearly $100, prevents many students from owning a personal calculator. Without one for homework and preparing for exams, students are disadvantaged in many classes that require them, such as Algebra, Geometry, Calculus, and Physics, and from optimizing scores on exams including APs, the PSAT, SAT, and ACT. Research shows that access to calculators is associated with a positive impact on students’ approaches to mathematical problems and increased achievement on assessments. Calculators Solve Problems aims to solve the problem of unequal access to calculators.

We collect and sanitize your used calculators and deliver them with new batteries to teachers in underfunded classrooms for distribution to students who need them. And we also support students directly who are unhoused in shelters. Reusing calculators is a win for all of us, since this kind of recycling benefits our environment! So go right now, and find where you stashed that calculator from your old math or science class and safely discard the used batteries or find the charger. Then mail any model calculator to us today (click “PRINT MAILING LABEL”) and we'll deliver it to support a classroom or student in need.

And you can help our mission with a monetary donation in any amount (click “DONATE $ NOW”). Your contribution buys new calculators, batteries, costs for sanitization, and the delivery of donated calculators. Check out the calculator drives page (click on "CALCULATOR DRIVES") for featured classrooms that we aim to support, in addition to the many other underfunded schools with high enrollment of financially challenged students, that need resources like calculators. With your donated calculators and the power of your dollars, Calculators Solve Problems can live up to its name, and solve the calculator access gap problem today!

Calculators Solve Problems, Inc. is a NY not-for-profit corporation and 501(c)(3) sponsored subsidiary of a nonprofit, charitable tax-exempt corporation. Please keep scrolling down to learn even more about our Team, numbers showing the success of our mission, and a great Gallery showcasing many of your generous donations.